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    Website Analytics

    Make Sense Of Stats & Remove The Guesswork

    Do you spend more time concerning yourself about the look and feel of your website rather than the performance data behind it? If you answered yes then don’t worry, you’re in the majority! We can help you get to grips with how to drive more traffic to your website, and how to convert more traffic into taking action simply by making sense of the performance data on your website.

    Analytics And Search Console Setup

    We install Google Analytics and Search Console on any website that we develop as standard. If you don’t have either of these things, or don’t even know what they are then don’t threat – we can help get you setup today. You can then measure performance data on how many users are using your website, how they found your website, and what they are doing whilst they’re on your website (amongst other things).

    Making Sense Of Analytics

    To many, analytics is not interesting or just doesn’t make sense. Let us be the digital team that helps you to make sense of your analytics so that you can make informed decisions on how to improve your website and digital marketing approaches to attract more traffic, and convert users into customers.

    Conversion Tracking

    If you want to know how many users have completed a contact form, clicked your phone number using their mobile device, or completed a sale on your website then those are just some of the metrics that can be measured through conversion tracking. We can also tell you what user journeys they came from so that you know which digital marketing approaches of yours are working, and which ones aren’t!


    • Helps To Inform Decisions

    • Takes The Guesswork Out

    • Better Audience Understanding

    Ready To Grow Your Business Online?

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