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    Email Marketing

    Convert Sales With Email Marketing

    As a digital marketing approach, email marketing is highly effective for keeping your audience informed and turning one-off customers into repeat customers. Despite this, many businesses are yet to tap into email marketing mainly due to a lack of time or skill, or because it’s not ‘as sexy’ as social media in their eyes.

    Email Marketing Setup

    Oaks Digital can help you to setup your mailing list correctly from the beginning. This will allow your audience to opt-in to receive email communication from you in a GDPR compliant manner. We can also help to add a ‘join our mailing list’ subscription area to your website, and design your newsletter is an impactful way that is in keeping with your brand.

    Writing Email Copy That Converts

    Our creative content writers can help to prepare content that will inform, engage and inspire your audience. Whether that’s keeping them up-to-date with recent developments or changes within your business that affects them, promoting some engaging content that reinforces your brand values, or a new product release or sales offer that drives interest and sales. Oaks Digital will work with you to strategically plan your email marketing strategy for maximum effect.

    Targeted Approach

    We can help to segment audiences within your mailing list to ensure that the right messages are reaching the right people. We can create and schedule follow up messages for those that have either not opened your initial email, or opened your email but not taken action. Repetition and consistency helps to push your users through the sales journey to interact with your business. Over time our team will know what messages get the best open-rates, click-through rates and ultimately conversions from your followers, so that we continually improve the results for your business.

    Our Email Marketing Process


    We’ll work with you to learn all about your product or service, your customers, your competitors, and your industry.


    We will plan a content calendar detailing what messages need to be communicated at what times.

    We will then get to work on the best email titles, copy, calls to actions and graphics to include in each email message.


    Once approved by you, we will then schedule your emails to be delivered to your mailing list.

    We can also plan follow up emails to certain audience segments to entice an action through repetition and consistent messaging.


    We will review the performance of each email campaign to understand what resonates best with your followers.

    Through understanding what methods get the best open rates, click-though rates and ultimately conversions, we will be able to apply an 80/20 rule to ongoing emails whereby 80% of the time we’re focusing on tried and tested methods, and 20% of the time we’re experimenting on new methods to keep your followers engaged.


    • Market To An Engaged Audience

    • Increased Sales Retention

    • Improved Communication With Your Audience

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